Sarah Kessler, author of “Gigged: The end of the job and the Future of Work,” appeared on PBS’ NewsHour this weekend. She offered some interesting and cautionary words about the future of work that contrast and reinforce ideas expressed by Louis Hyman in The New York Times on Saturday in a piece, “It’s Not Technology […]
Tag: future of work
Information asymmetry has been the basis of the Gig Economy to date. Marketplace providers know so much that the worker cannot possibly negotiate a better deal. Consequently, we see that millions of people who earned far more as full-time employees are now scraping by on one-third or one-fifth the pay they used to earn when […]
Gig work is gaining credibility, according to, and it is changing the expectations for regular full-time employees who see the flexibility of gig work as a benefit they would like to use, too. As I’ve written for Gig Economy Group, every company faces new demands from workers, ranging from workplace flexibility using excellent technical […]
Platform-based apps as work glue. The new new thing that’s coming. …when teammates are spread across locations and time zones, work management apps that provide real-time insight into project status — and potential dependencies and blockers — can keep everyone on the same page. Remote workers can also use the platform’s mobile app to track […]
CNBC explores the “greased slide” created by the new tax law, which encourages independent workers to embrace freelance work. Now those small businesses run by individuals can “pass-through” 20 percent of revenue untaxed to the business owner. It appears to be a great time to become a gig worker. However, the lost benefits that come […]
Although Uber and Waymo settled there intellectual property case last week, the status of workers as independent contractors took a new twist in a California court. Worker payment, training, retention, and earnings drove much of this week’s on-demand news. During 2018, worker retention will be a major issue for on-demand companies. Wirecard, a German payment […]
Engadget today examined the question “Can Amazon Go help the unbanked go digital?” Writer Andrew Tarantola argues passionately that paper currency is on the way out: As our economy embraces digital transactions while shunning cash, it’s the poor that will be most harmed. Cash is not in retreat today. There is twice as much U.S. currency […]